Thursday, April 25, 2002

wow... it's almost over

I guess it's just hitting me today.... No more school. Well, no more classes. One more week and exams begin. in about a months time I'll have graduated. Then another week and I'll be in KL. Then another two weeks, and I'll be back, packing my room up and getting out of here. To tell you the truth it scares the shits out of me! I don't know anything else but school. How am I going to be able to function in adifferent medium? But more importantly, can I? Like I said, it scares me.
As for what I've done so far today... Well, it's 13:11. which means that everyone's probably getting ready for lunch. I've done a little chemistry, and I've worked on some of my fanfiction. One of my stories is coming along nicely, and I'll be ready to post it in a matter of days. Further, I did some more reading into Musolini. Checked my e-mail, sent a quick message to Vaughn, and I've seen The One... good movie by the way.... the action is amazing!
I still have to read Michelle's novel, then I want to do some work on french and biology, and I'll probably play the piano and work on some more fanfic writing. I'm completely lost on my x-files idea, but, as I mentioned earlier, my JAG story is coming a long nicely. Also I have my Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell novel to work on, so that should keep me busy.
My dad left for Amsterdam this morning. He's got a speech to give tomorrow on culture in Russia, from what I hear, it's not what he really wants to do, and no one's really given any notion that they're intrested in hearing him speak, so he's kinda dissapointed by that.
Our Cook Tanya is coming in today to cook us dinner (Us being Jan and me) She feels bad that there aren't any adults around. My mom comes home tonight, along with my grandma, Aunt, and great aunt... they were in St. Petersburg for 3 days. The appartment's been kinda quiet without them.
The appartment's lonely, and I'm actually wishing I were at school with all you guys. Pathetic huh? Well, gotta run, more work and studing to do.
see ya tomorrow.
Mulder: hey, Scully, do you believe in the after-life?
Scully: I'd settle for a life in this one.
;) Iknow what she means!

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