Monday, April 22, 2002

One Day Left

Can we say extatic?! I had my last chem class, my last math class, and my last bio class today!
Guess what, there actually is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Michelle, I'm addicted to the car racing game! Brroooom brooom, Screeeeetttcchh ;)
Heather, We read tomorrow? :( pleeeeeaaaaasssseeee :D
"Fank ooh berry mush" Said the fox. hehehehe!
zat's it! Just wanted to make sure everyone knew I only have 1 day left ! ;D
I couldn't choose, so today there are two:
Mac: "If you have some evidence I should know about..." Harm: "You'll eventually get it, and then you can plea bargain."
Mac: "In your dreams Cmdr"
Harm: "Ohh, you don't want to be in my dreams, Major?" Mac: "Red light Commander!"
Harm: "Red light? There was nothing sexual in what I said, and if you think there was, then maybe I should be giving you the red light"
And then:
Harm "Where were you raised?"
Mac "Where friends don't sandbag friends."
Harm "Thats somewhere in Ohio, isn't it?" Mac "Haha. cute does not work with me Harm"
Harm "I wasn't being cute. I was being funny"
Mac "Yeah, like when you fired that HNK in court?"
Harm "Well, I thought it was pretty funny when you ducked under the table"
Mac "I'm a Marine, Harm. Marines don't duck"
Harm "Well, what do Marines do?"
Mac "They take cover, but they never duck"
They're both from the episode Heroes
adios for now

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