Saturday, April 27, 2002

My Room in Michelle's House

hmmmm... I've been thinking of what my room whould look like. It would have to be a room I could feel some sort of connection to. So here's what it'll look like:
The outside of the door has a simple sign on it saying: "Mosquito's" neatly on a plack. Then when you open the door, the first thing that strikes you is that there is a large oak bed... queen size... with red and black pillows, and a black silk comforter on top. on both sides of the bed are oak side tables. One with 3 framed pictures: One of my family, one of my 11th grade friends, and one of my friends in Chicago, and on the other I have my gun, my wallet, my watch and my alarm clock, not to mention my autographed pictures of Tom Graidwood and Mitch Pileggi (both X-files actors).
Now, we're gonna move clockwize...
to the right of this is one of my two closets... This one has all my dresses and suits hanging. It's also made of oak... all the furnature is, and on it I have pictures of David Ducovney and Gillian Anderson nailed (aka Mulder and Scully). That's when we hit the second wall...
On this wall we find that there are 3 windows... looking out you can see the garden. I have my desk here, so that I can look out and work at the same time. I love to see the dog playing and trying to catch the butterfies that are there... I'm gonna try and get Michelle to plant some daisies and red roses right infront of my window. There's nothing else here on this wall. But on my desk I have a couple books, and 'the hand'. The hand was given to me by Nara, and it has flesh missing on the pinky of it. It's my prized sculpture. Also my very essence is located here: My computer.
If you turn to face the wall again, you'll see that thee wall is lined in book cases. To the left of the door is my book collection. (The door is located in the center of the wall) My personal collection is vast, extending from classics to mystery, to hisoty, to science fiction. Also there are about 60 binders on the bottom two shelves. The first set is JAG stories that I and others have written, and the second one is X-files stories that I and others have written. Next you have the door, on which is an almost life size picture of David James Elliot (sigh). Otherwise known as Harm! Then to the right of the door is another book cupboard. In it is my CD and Video collection. THe CDs are in the top 4 shelves and all the rest are filled with my videos which are alphabetized. The CD by group or singer and the videos, by title, with excpetion for X-files which is located once again on the bottom shelf and they're in order by episode.
This brings us to the last wall. There's a large light here which gives added light to the room. THen there is a small two seated sofa. To the right of the sofa, and cconnecting to the wall which has my bed on it, we have a large dressoir which has all my folded clothing and undergarments in it. On top is my TV, VCR and stereo.
Everywhere I have little bits and bobs... like matroshkas, lacquer boxes, fans, porcelain Dolls, and X-files and JAG pictures all over the place.
That's it.
TO me my life if I were living with Michelle, would be one still of somewhat isolation. SHe does her own thing and I do mine. Our paths crossing when we eat and when we are looking for company. Otherwise, I don't believe that it is a place I usually stay at... Wanting t be a cop, I'd live in a big City. Michelle's house is a place to get away from it all and recharge my batteries.
Well, babe, what do you think? If you don't like it I'll change it, but that's how I envision my room in your place.

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