Tuesday, April 16, 2002

A Great 48 Hours

As everyone knows... a April break vacation for a senior + doing the IB = Studing for final exams. Yes, it's been a boring few days with an exception for the last 48 hours. Here's the aproximate itinerary:
8.30 Got up. I guess I'm still in a school mood because I got up so early.
9.30 worked on history. You should see this huge timeline I have set up in my room.
11.00 finallyafter trying to get Chris on the phone for who knows how long I found him on-line. TOpic of conversaition: wouldn't he look cute (and funny) in a bunny suit. Now I don't mean a playboy bunny outfit, but more along the lines of a large fluffy pink Easter bunny suit. Wouldn't it look great?
11.30 Biology ERG.
2.45 Chis comes over. He's playing body-guard for the Day. With all the Skinhead activity lately my parents wanted a guy with me... but he draws more attention to me, than away from me... good grief! ;p
3.10 We leave to go and meet Deb and Liz at Stockman
3.30 find Deb and Liz and wait for Heather.
3.50 with heather and Deb in Tow we go and eat.
5.10 Dad calls... I haven't made dinner for him yet, and It's a wild dash to my place. My dad's not happy.
5.20 we're here and my brother's on the phone... yippee... I miss him!
5.30 finally off the phon with Jan, Chris Heather and I go up to my room in an effort to play a game of Magic. Now, I play tournament rules, and haven't played in a while, but we soon find common ground. Heather's still trying to understand what the hell's going on. I hope she understands now.
6.10 After 2 games... Chirs one the first, I the second... we decide to do something else... watch X-files naturally. ;) First we watch Firewalker and then Aubrey. Damn Aubry is good... quite Scary. The three of us rate it as a great episode.
Apporx. 8.00 Chris leaves.
8.05 Heather and I decide to make some desert, and take forever at finding a recepie for which we have all the ingredience.
10.00 we call Deb. Neither of us know what a certain dish looked like... so we called Deb. In the end my dad handed us a dish and told us to use that.
11.30 We've finally got the thing in the oven. WE've put the topping in the fridge and cleaned the kitchen. On to my third obsession. The computer.
12.45 Dad goes to bed and HEather's reading my JAG fanfic... you never told me what you thought of it Heather.
13.00 We had our desert and went to get ready for bed. I worked on my story some and Heather played a little gameboy.
14.00 Heather's fast asleep and I fall asleep soon after.
11.30 we're both awake and crawling out of bed
11.45 Chris calls. Wants to know if I can come over to play D&D and Magic. I decide not to.
12.30 HEather helps me with some history. I have to do some work today!
1.00 I find a pack of cards and we tell eachother's love lives. It was really funny! Especially because of the guys we picked!
2.30 HUNGRY! TIme for lunch so we head downstairs, and while the Pizza's in the oven we make salad dressing for my dad and me tonight.
3.15 We decide to watch Sleeping Beauty I LOVE THAT MOVIE!
4.40 Heather leaves I finish watching the making of sleeping beauty.
5.10 Made the rest of the salad and stuck it in the fridge.
5.30 went on-line for some work
6.45 Dad comes home, and we decide to wait till after my chemistry lesson to have dinner.
7.00 Chemisty lesson. FUN. :(
8.20 Chemistry teacher leaves and we set the dinner table, we sit down to eat and... Mom calls
9.00 We finally get to eat.. the food's cold but we manage.
9.45 after a comfortable dinner I clean the kitchen and play a little piano....
Which lands is a 10.28 and I',m finishing my entry.
Quotation for the day:
They hear a noise:
Webb: What was that?
Harm: A pigeon.
Webb: A pigeon?
Harm: It's mating season. And sex is a full contact sport when you're a pigeon.

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