Saturday, October 25, 2008


Greetings from Philly... home of one of the world series teams of 2008 and swing state in the election. From what I understand it's going to be a big player. If McCain doesn't win here, then he doesn't win. So, we'll have to wish hope and pray that the people here in Pennsylvania figure it out in the coming 11 days.

So our day started out packing our backpacks getting ready to go to philly. Because the bus was leaving from chinatown we decided to go there for brunch, and found a pancake house (after much walking around... it's HUGE!) that was run by Malaysian chinese. At 2 we caught the bus, which was all of $10 and 2 hours later Sasha met up with us.

The first thing I saw getting off the bus was the amount of McCain posters all over the place. It seems like New York doesn't even have them, and come to think of it I'd be scared to wear or show one considering how many people are gung-ho there. In any case, we took the shuttle to Sasha's place to drop off our stuff first. Now, when I say shuttle, I really mean shuttle... it's a free bus service run by the building for the people who live in it. It's rediculous. Apparently Sasha pays about $900 a month and in it comes water, heat, a washing machine, dryer, cable, and this shuttle service. It's rediculous. The building looks like a hotel, and was one back in the day.
After dropping our stuff, exchanging gifts, and a long walk into town, we landed up at one of the Obama volunteer offices. Where we met with the person in charge, Claire, and had a look around. We'll probably do some volunteer work one afternoon just for the experience.

Dinner followed, in a local bar where we ran into a lot of Sasha's friends and old collegues, All of them working for the campaign in one way or the other, so we got some great info. Interesting stories in any case... One for example came from Sasha... it's kinda gross... There's a woman in Texas who a week ago claimed that she'd been attacked by a black man in front of an ATM. He'd seen her McCain/Palin sticker on her car and in a rage beat her up and carved a backwards B on her cheek. Yuk. In any case, se went to the police in order to report the incident. FOX News went balistic with covering the story, but a couple days ago the woman came out again saying that she'd made the whole thing up, gave herself the black eye and carved the B herself. Now I wonder, I know some people do extreme things in the name of politics and belief... heck Gandhi stopped eating... but to carve a B on your cheek because you don't want the other guy to get elected... how nuts do you have to be?!

That's it for today, time to throw in towel and get a few winks.

I'll leave you with this fun fact: There's no first street in Philidelphia because the Quakers founded Philidelphia and because they put God first, they couldn't put anything above or equal to him. Not even a street.

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