Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day 2 New York

Things look a lot differently by the light of day and after atleast 8 hours of sleep. We took our time this morning getting up and then went in search of an ATM and food. Then we took the metro down to Grand Central Station. It looks a lot lighter in real life... In documentries and movies it always seems to be a little darker and I wouldn't say dreary, but more old. The same type of feeling you get with art deco. But after what had to be a big clean up it's really beautiful and light. Constellations on the celing and beautiful art on the walls. Vacationing with Stephan is well.. exactly the opposite as going with Loes... not that I don't love going on vacation with you Loes... and to tell the truth I miss it a little... we had plans- Big plans, but after central station we walked out and Stephan said let's go right.

Right was a good option because it took us to the Public Library, where inbetween all the beautiful and boutiful books, the 4 bag checks, and a few Escher-esque staircases that lead absolutely nowhere, we discovered a great colletion of photos of Babe Ruth, Lou Garing, and Mickey Mantle. For those of you who aren't as up to their Baseball history Babe Ruth was the cause of the Curse of the red sox after they sold him off to the Yankees, Lou Garing died of ALS way too early and missed out being one of the highest batting average hitters of his time and Mickey Mantle who beat Babe Ruth's record the year after the Bambino retired. They were amazing pictures. I'd seen them all before online, except for the one of Lou's funeral where Babe is leaning over the coffin. A moving picture to be sure.

The minute we got out of the library Stephan spotted the Empire State building. So we dashed over to go up it. It looked extactly as it did in every movie I can think of. An Affair to Remember, On The Town, New York, New York... it looked exactly the same. You would think that it would be covered in bird shit after so many years, but it's sooo clean! We hypothesized that it was just too high up for the pigeons, but that theory was shot to hell when a group of pigeons started attacking the people next to us. Fun Fact: There's actually a docking area for Derijables at the top of the ESB... it was only tested though, because it was too dangerous to use regularly.

Btw... what's with all the Dutch here?! By the end of the day it seemed like we'd run into ALL of them! Ugh... And they look soooooo Dutch.

Afterwards we randomly walked around for a while, eventually finding ourselves in Barnes and Nobles (BOOKS!!!!- I only bought 4... I'm pacing myself) and then Macy's. We met up with Akeli afterwards and headed home to drop of stuff and then back into town for dinner. For dinner we landed up at a diner. It was pretty amazing. Only I fogot how big the portions are. So we had way too much food, but the Mac and Cheese was fantastic as well as the spicy buffalo wings. Then a trip to times square and now we're back at Akeli's place.

A non-sequncial, but none the less intereting, Akeli just voted absentee for the election, but I had never seen an ballot before. Not only do they vote for president but they also vote for every circut court judge they can think of. Even if you have no idea who each one of them is you have to vote yes or no for retention of the judge. Fun fact: there is 1 mccarthey and a nixon on the ballot. poor people. Dick Durbin is still Illinois senator. When we went to Springfiled, IL in 6th grade the guy was in office, and apparently he's still there!

Well, it's midnight, so it's time to hit the sack again. Tomorrow it's another big day with us travelling to Philedelphia.

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