Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bush Gets Shoe-ed

I think I saw one of the funniest videos today. During his visit to Iraq, Someone in the press room took off his shoes and threw them at President Bush. The lame duck president managed to duck in time. But I'm wondering: Where was the secret service? Aren't they supposed to step infront of the president. I know it wasn't a bullet, but still, what if there had been a brick in the shoe, or if it had been lined with lead? Instead of them, know who put themselves between the American President and the shoe? The Iraqi Prime Minister! And after that had happened what did Bush say? "That was a size 10 shoe he threw at me, you may want to know." If that isn't one of the best Bush-isms, I don't know what is.

For a good laugh...

1 comment:

Paula said...

Mags... In all honesty: even if your job was to stand in front of the president and catch the bullet, how likely are you to be good at what you do if the president in question is Dubya?