Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving.

So I've been thinking about what I should be thankful for this year.

That I'm healthy again
That I have my parents and my brother
All the people that managed to get Barack Obama elected
Fantastic friends

now I'm just getting silly... but truely. I give thanks for everyone in my life who has helped shape and mold me into what I am today. My mother, you are my inspiration. My brother, you are my rock. Dad, you are my confidant. And my friends, you're the shoulders I need. You carry my to new levels and help me discover things about myself.

And on a happy note I leave you with an excerpt from the West Wing. It's from Shibboleth:

C.J.: I’m sorry to ask you this, sir.
BARTLET: Not too late to stop yourself.
C.J.: I need you to pardon a turkey.
BARTLET: I already pardoned a turkey.
C.J.: I need you to pardon another one.
BARTLET: Didn’t I do it right?
C.J.: You did it great, but I need you to come out here and pardon another one.
BARTLET: Aren’t I gonna get a reputation for being soft on turkeys?
C.J.: Sir, could you come out here and just get this over with?
BARTLET: No, I’m not just gonna get this--What the hell is going on?
C.J.[approaches]: They sent me two turkeys. The most photo-friendly of the two gets a Presidential pardon and a full life at a children’s zoo. The runner-up gets eaten.
BARTLET: If the Oscars were like that, I’d watch.
C.J.: Mr. President...
BARTLET: Just buy the second turkey.
C.J.: They already sold it.
BARTLET: There’s not much I can do.
C.J.:You can pardon the turkey.
BARTLET: The turkey hasn’t committed a crime.
C.J.: Sir...
BARTLET: C.J., I have really no judicial jurisdiction over birds.
C.J.: Yes, I know that, and you know that, but Morton Horn doesn’t know that.
BARTLET: Who’s Morton...?
C.J.: He’s a high school kid from the turkey place.
BARTLET: He’s in high school and he doesn’t know I can’t pardon his turkey?
C.J.: That’s what I’m betting.
BARTLET: C.J., if we don’t and I mean completely overhaul public education in this country...
C.J.: Yes sir, but maybe this is not the best time to...
BARTLET: Where the hell is he?
C.J.: Right out there.

Bartlet immediately heads for the door, with C.J. following behind him. As Bartlet and C.J. come out of the Oval Office, we see Donna and Morton by the door of the room near Charlie’s desk. Troy, the turkey, is in front of them.

C.J.: Morton, this is President Bartlet.
BARTLET: Hey, Morton.
BARTLET: Well said. Is that the turkey?
BARTLET[to the turkey]: You’re pardoned.
C.J.: Sir...
BARTLET: What do you want?
C.J.[with hand gestures]: Well, you know...
BARTLET[to the turkey again]: By the power vested in me by the Constitution of the United States, I hereby pardon you.
MORTON[pleased]: Okay.
BARTLET: No, it’s not okay.
C.J.: Sir...
BARTLET: Morton, I can’t pardon a turkey. If you think I can pardon a turkey, then you have got to go back to your school and insist that you be better prepared to go out in the world.
DONNA: You can’t pardon a turkey?
BARTLET[beat]: No. I tell you what I can do. I’m drafting this turkey into military service. In the meantime, somebody will be drafting a check, which will have my signature on it, so the folks can buy themselves a Butterball.
C.J.: Donna, will you have Morton take Troy back to his pen, and remember to support his hindquarters.
BARTLET[quietly to C.J.]: What’s wrong with him?
C.J.: The turkey’s hindquarters.

Morton picks up Troy and walks off with Donna

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