Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Back in NYC

I'm sitting here in Akeli's apartment and watching the race with Stephan. We were supposed to watch it at Akeli's office with her and her colleagues, but one of the states... I can't remember which... put abortion on the ballot. So, as a result they're working around the clock putting together things for a press conference tonight after the election is over and everything is called. So until she gets home at 1 I'm going to write, watch CNN, and drink my orange juice.
At this point, I'm waiting for Indiana and Kentucky. The polls closed at 6 and so far it looks like Kentucky is going to McCain.

In a couple seconds the next group of polls will close. Vermont, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia. CNN has already projected Vermont for Obama and Kentucky for McCain. In Kentucky even the 18-25 year olds voted for McCain. Hmm... odd. These are exit polls though... so we'll see. Fun Fact: If Virginia votes Democratic, it'll be the first time in 50 years that they've done so.
While we're waiting, let me tell you about the bus ride to New York. Well like usual I took a nap and played with my PSP. All in all not that exciting. The thing was is that while you're playing PSP it allows your mind and ears to wander. Mine wondered to the woman behind me, who apparenly had been in a house of a friend which was busted by the police. There was a guy staying there who had murdered someone. From the way she was telling it, it sounded like it was a movie. Who knew that these things really go on like in the movies. Police holding guns to a mother and child while yelling for the guy they're looking for. Scary.

The polls in North Carolina, Ohio, and West Virginia have now closed. At the moment the board still looks very red, but it's still early in the night, so anything can happen. Indiana is the big state at the moment. It voted almost 89% republican during the last election. The only places that voted democratic were the college towns and up in the north-west corner that are actually considered suburbs of chicago, Illinois, which always votes Democratic. At the moment the state's still divided, but slightly in favor for McCain.

North Carolina and Florida are at the moment leaning towards Obama, and Indiana is still leaning to McCain. The popular vote though is heading towards Obama.

The thing about this election though, what most people are worried about is what is called the 'Gregory Effect'. These are the people who openly support someone, but who in actuality vote completely different. For example, an 18 year old that lives in Mississippi who comes from an incredibly republican family, And so hides behind a McCain t-shirt. In actuality they vote Obama at the poll. The same goes the other way. If you have friends who are very pro-Obama and you don't feel that you should vote Democratic, you'd hide behind the Democrats even if you're a republican. Politics here is a little like homosexuality: Don't ask don't tell.

Projection: South Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee is going to McCain. Obama: Massachusetts, Illinois, Connecticut, New Jersey, Main, Delaware, Maryland and Dist. of Columbia.

Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina can't be projected yet, even though they've closed.

Once it starts going, it goes fast- a half hour ago McCain was in the lead by 5 electoral votes and now Obama is ahead by 33 votes. But it's still the beginning of the evening, so anything can still happen.

Okay, so we're waiting again... Let me tell you about today. We started the day off really late and decided to go down to the financial district. We got off the subway on wall street and Broadway, which is where the Trinity Church is located, and our first stop of the day. It's a beautiful small church. The string orchestra was preforming, which gave the church an ethereal feeling. It was like being in a documentary.... walking around with your own soundtrack. The Church was originally built by the Dutch, but in the mean time has been burned down twice. All that's original is the ground it's on. None the less a great place.

Then ground Zero. It's odd to see it in person. There are cranes and construction and a bunch of other things, but all in all what really hits you in the hole. Just the fact that there should be something there and there isn't anymore. It's nuts. Then a stop to Boarders to see if they had some of the graphic Novels for Jan, and then wall street and city hall.

After we took the subway to grand central and walked to Rockefeller Center. It looks great tonight. NBC had a map put into the ice which they were going to fill in as the night goes on. The Election stage is there and hundreds of people were gathering to watch everything unfold. We continued on to Times Square where CNN had stationed itself. We collected the t-shirt and then went to the subway to get back to Akeli's to watch the rest of the evening.
So that's it for now. I've got all my Starbucks mugs as well as all my baseball t-shirts. Now just clothes. Prediction: New Hampshire to Obama.

Fun Fact: Nantucket has a bus service... but there are no stops or schedules.
Projection: Pennsylvania to Obama
This is an important win. Both Sides really pushed for this state. Maybe we did manage to help a little there ;p.
Now it's 102 electoral votes for Obama to McCain's 34.

Anyway... I'm going to go look for fruit. I'm not really going to be around the next coming few days. I'll see when I can post.

viva Obama

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