Monday, December 20, 2004

Teasing Your Prey

This is the sequel to Playing With Your Food

Xavier paced his bedroom. The sun had yet to go down and he was itching to go out. His childe Charlotte had not returned home before sunrise and he was impatient to find her. She'd never been unable to come home, and Xavier worried about what could have happened. She wasn't dust, he was sure of that. He could still feel the bond between the two of them coursing through his blood.

"Bloody hell, where is that chit?! If she isn't injured or captured she'll be tortured violently." He went over to the cart he kept his blood in and poured himself a glass. "Stupid Bint." He cursed as he took a sip of the sweet elixer.

"Master, I've arranged the boys." A voice said from behind him.

"Good. Make sure that they're out looking for her as soon as night falls. Tell them that if they return fed and she isn't found, that they'll be dust."

"Yes Master."

Xavier waved the minion away and turned back to the curtained windows.

In the distance he heard the sounds of bombs falling in large numbers onto central London. Buying the mansion outside the city had been a very wize idea. One given to him by his childe. His now missing childe.

"Sire, they've started bombing again." His second in command came back to tell him.

"I can hear them, Charles. I'm going deaf, bu I'm not deaf yet."

"Of coarse, master, I didn't mean to imply-"

"Get on with it!" Xavier cut him off.

"The boys are scared to go. They fear the airraids."

"Tell them that who ever doesn't go out at night fall will enjoy a lovely crucifing with a premiere viewing to the rising sun!" His angry voice carried. He knew that the minions would hear it and out of fear follow orders.

Sitting in an armchair before the fireplace he closed his eyes and listened to the glorifying sounds of death and destruction. His demon both lept with joy and raiated fear. The thick minions he had wouldn't even know where to begin, which meant that he would have to go into the bombing night himself.

The night would fall in minutes and Xavier could feel he setting sun in what seemed like jolts on his cold skin. It wouldn't be long now, a few more minutes. Drinking down the rest of the crimson fluid he stood up to get ready. With the few remaning minutes he'd called for his coat and given instructions to his minions to find Charlotte. Then, as soon as the sun had set they had all left to find her.

Taking only Charles with him, Xavier drove towards the center of the city. The first place to look was in the subway system. Hundreds of people would have retreated down into it when the curtain of lights and bombs began to pour over the city.

They were closed off. It took them a moment to get inside. Those behind the closed doors were more than reluctant to open them for the two males. The bombs were coming down more frequently and also closer to their location. They quickly passed through the barrier and made their way down into the subway system.

Hundereds of people where hudeled down in the tunnels. Subways had continued moving so that family members would be able to locate one another. If Xavier hadn't been so focused in finding his childe, he might have taken a moment to admire all the food just walking around him, unaware of the danger that threatened them even here, in what they thought was a safe haven.

After looking around the station, Xavier and Charles spent the better part of the day strategically moving from station to station. It wasn't until close to sundown that they seemed to find the lost childe- with a young lad in her arms.

"But Gregory, it would be so much fun. We could stroll around at night together and not have to worry about these damned bombs."

"No young lady should be out at night by herself." He commented back in his pompus voice.

"But, you'll be with me, so I have nothing to fear." She commented batting her eyes.

Xavier could hear her playful voice, and knew she was playing with what was little more than a boy. "I quite agree." He spoke up, making his presence known.

Both sets of eyes turned to him. "Daddy, I knew you'd find me."

"I'm very cross with you, Charlotte. You promised me that you'd be home before the sun set."

"I know, but then I met Thomas." She smiled, hunger from her kill still in her eyes.

"Who's Thomas?" Gregory asked.

"And then I ran into an Andrew. He tasted funny though, like plastic." She looked thoughtful as she relived her earlier hours. "And then, the bombs started falling so I came down here. There was this very small girl called Cathrine. She smelled like chocolate. Can I have some daddy?"

"Andrew? Cathrine?" The boy was confused.

"When we get home, luv. Now, quickly finish up and we'll get out of here."

"But there are so many more down here, sire, all unable to escape. It's like a buffet, all we have to do is choose which ones are the juicyest."

"Very well. But, please do finish up here."

"Yes, sire." She said.

Xavier watched as she leaned down and kissed the neck just under her lips and with a quick motion that she had been taught by him after her turning, she attacked his neck. She seemed almost delicate with her food, not allowing a drop of blood to escape. Chaucer came to mind as he recited the small section of the prioress, from the prologue, in his head. She seemed almost dainty in her kill.

Moments later the lifeless body was dropped to the floor.

From her sleve Charlotte pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed her lips. With a wide smile she bounced over to Xavier and took his arm. "Now, where shall we hunt?"

Xavier smiled and looked over at Charles. "Charles? Where do you suggest?"

"I do believe I remember hearing that they were housing all the orphans at Charings Cross. I'm sure Miss Charlotte would enjoy the robust taste their blood gives."

Xavier smiled. "I do belive you're right, Charles."

Charlotte seemed to skip next to him. "Maybe we can play ring-around-the-roses." She smiled, her eyes showing her sinister disposition. She licked her lips in good measure and looked up at the older vampire.

"I'm sure they'd love to, pet."


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