Thursday, December 02, 2004

Playing with your food

Xavier walked the streets of London. The fog that plagued the city had set giving the atmosphere, which allowed him to walk during the daylight hours in peace. He wasn’t in the safest part of the world, but with another World War raging, which place was? Unlike most of his kind, which was heading towards the war, Xavier was trying to get as far away as possible. Well, not too far away. The Americas were too quiet for his liking. So, after traveling the world for over a century he had finally returned home. Bombed, dirty, and radiating the aroma of fear and death- London had become home or at least temporarily.

Not all that far in front of him he spotted his prey- a young woman in uniform on her way to work. He’d been watching her for a day or two, preparing to strike when the opportunity presented itself. Unlike some of his other dinners, Xavier had taken careful preparation when getting ready to confront her. Today he finally would, but for now he was keeping his distance, merely enjoying watching her walk quickly, her hips seductively swaying with each step.
Xavier began taking a closer look at her, hoping to learn more. As if in a restaurant studying the menu he’d look at every element that made this woman. As per usual he started at the top: Blond hair, his favorite, neatly in a bun. This told him she was dedicated at work, wanting to make an impression and go far. She wore a military issued coat, which looked clean for this time of year suggesting she liked cleanliness. She was a true military woman, not one that had joined up just because of the war, but rather, one who wanted to be something outside of the kitchen. A black handbag hung from her shoulder, her hand rested on the bag, as if she were scared that someone would take it from her. She wore stockings to keep out the cold, and lastly high-heeled shoes. Unlike most women who joined the service, the woman ahead of him had declined to use the flat black lace-ups that the majority of the women wore. He decided she was therefore most likely trying to impress someone at work with her long legs.

Xavier was definitely impressed with her.

He put his hand in his pocket to retrieve the necklace that one of his minions had picked from her and speeding up he came to walk next to her.

“Excuse me, Madam, but I believe you dropped this.” He held it so the charm, a Saint Christopher’s medallion, dangled from his nimble fingers.

She looked at it and then, in shock and confusion replied. “Oh sir, thank you. I’ve been looking all over for it. It’s a family heirloom, you see.”

Xavier smiled, keeping the charm just out of her reach. “Allow me,” he said, with his enhanced speed coming to stand behind her. He lifted the necklace, over her head in order to fasten it behind her neck.

He smelled fear, and heard the sound of the glorious pounding of her heart, her blood flowing through her veins. He could feel the heat she radiated, warming his cold body. The blond beauty shivered as he clasped the piece of jewelry around her neck. Xavier smiled enjoying the reaction.
Toying with his food as his father used to call it. “Don’t toy with your food, Xavier! These are times of hardship, therefore, either eat what’s on your plate or I will!” In the end Xavier had been the one to drain him: His first meal as a newly created creature of the night.

The returning to the task at hand he said: “No more playing.” Pushing her head violently to the side he took a moment while his demon came forth to enjoy the many scents his victim was giving off and then he sunk his teeth into her smooth warm neck.

An explosion of taste took over, as her blood came streaming into his mouth. If wine was the beverage of choice for the Gods, surely the devil’s was blood. In it he could taste fear, pain, strength, hormones and so much more, and as the warmth overtook him due to his feeding, Xavier began feeling stronger. His hunger was dissipating with every drop.

His victim struggled but was now stilling. He almost felt sorry for the fact that soon her heart would stop and he would be robbed of tasting her fine robust blood again. Taking his last few gulps, he pulled her into a nearby alley. Taking her necklace as a trophy, he propped her up against a pile of rubbish and turned to leave.

His features had changed back into their original form, except for the red smears of blood round his mouth, which he wiped away with the clean handkerchief he’d brought with him.
Coming out of the alley he saw two men look at him curiously. He smiled, looked up at the cloudy sky and walked back into the fog.


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