Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Getting Hooked

S.'s gotten me hooked on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. The first few seasons were bad, I was actually one of those people who watched the first season when it came out and couldn't stand Angel and Cordy, so I stopped watching. Now I've been watcing it again. It's sooooo much better now, and it has been for a while. It playing catch-up now!

And what I've been liking the most is the Spike/Buffy romance. So, you can imagine what I felt like when Buffy said that it was over because it was killing her... Killing her my ass! She's just scared about the relationship and what others think, for no freaking reason.
She thinks she's too goos for him because she's human and the slayer, but as a female, and a human, I can honestly say that it's the opposite. He's too good for her! and she needs to get her head out of her ass and see that!

Here is a man- A MAN, so what if he's a vampire, he's got male physiology and the same thoughts and emotions. Hell, besides that his heart NO LONGER beats, he is just as foolish as any man in love. Spike is so much like William (His soul) in that way. Besides for the fact that Spike is more reassured and cocky (Probably became that way because of Dru [his sire and mate], atleast she did something right) he's the same as William carring his heart on his sleave.
She doesn't even realise all that he's given up for her. So what if he changed due to the chip in his head, but do they really think that a small piece of technology would change him personality-wize? It's about as changeing as Kartman's swearing chip (southpark movie). The chip inhibits his ablility to feed on humans, hurt them. Yes, he bacame softer. Hell, if your life was built on violence and that was taken away from you you'd be a sass too.

However, no one (except Dawn) cares to look at how he's changed. After the Initiative (a military section that works against evil things) he began helping them: Patroling, research, babysitting even! When Buffy died he was there for Dawn, protecting her and being there for her as much as he could. When Willoe got mixed up in Magiks (Black Magic) and took Dawn with her to see Rack (her supplier) Spike was up and helping Buffy.

However, lets turn it around. Just as soon as Spike needs to be given more credit, he's got a lot to learn too. First of all, the tying Buffy up and saying that he'll let Dru feed on he if she didn't tell him that she loved him- Wrong approach! Maybe he's been undead too long to realise that that's not going to get his love to requite his feelings.

Also, when he realised that the chip didn't go off when he hit Buffy... He beat her up?! What's he thinking? Standing there and telling her that she came back wrong is not the best thing for an insecure little girl. She is afterall a girl compared to him. Buffy's what, 20 years old? Spike's 150 or more..... She should be a child compared to him. Perhaps that's why she can't commit. Spike was with Dru for over a century, commiting himself and breaking down when he found her with the caos demon.

Emptionally he's just prepared for the long haul, whereas she isn't. She loves him though. He needs to be patient, and not to give up.

Buffy needs to learn that people can change. Spike needs to be gentle and wait. He's scared of that though. Noth that he's not willing, but as a Slayer of Slayers, he knows that they are disposable, living only a couple years. He just wants as much time with her as possible, which in my mind is not only understandable, but perhaps the most romantic part of their relationship.

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