Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hey Mr. Producer! I'm talking to you....

Originally I was going to do this post about the woman who'd had 8 kids in the united states, but after watching TV this evening, I've decided that the television industry is going to get the brunt of my anger.

Even though we, here in Holland, are a couple weeks behind in television, I'm not the kind of person to read ahead to see what's going on. So imagine my surprise when one of my favorite characters from Ghost Whisperer died. In the television world now, there are few shows that show marriage in a good light. There's lying, hurt, divorce, and much more. Ghost Whisperer is one of the few shows where that isn't the case. There's a loving relationship where the relationship isn't the issue, rather the science fiction is. That the foundation is steady in the relationship allows one to just enjoy it and he storyline. Now that they've killed off the rock of the marriage, it's turning back only the ongoing soap wheel that's today's television.

In the same way a lot of other shows were cancelled and good characters were cut. Look at for example Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. A fantastic show, and cancelled before the 1st season could even end properly. Or, how about Firefly, Angel, Amsterdam, or Dirty Sexy Money. All shows that were cancelled before their time.

Or how about Birkoff from La Femme Nikita, Doyle from Angel, Kate in NCIS, Janet Fraiser in Stargate SG-1, Mrs. Landingham from the West Wing, Admiral Fitzwallace from the West Wing... I'm sure everyone has a couple characters they can think of.

I understand the need to go in a different direction, and for most of the above named shows a death is a great way to introduce new characters and keep the storylines fresh, but the above named characters are for the most part replaceable. In the case of Ghost Whisperer I'm not sure if that's possible. They built the character up too well to just replace him in my opinion. And after going back on my origional promise not to look ahead, there was no way after tonight's episode that I wasn't going to do that. Lukily because it's a sci-fi show they're able to bring the character back for a couple episodes. But how will the show survive into the next season? Especially after a lot of the viewers are contemplating never watching the show again.

So here's what I say to producers and the people sitting behind the desks at the television corperations: Give us real television. We're smart enough to understand well written television, and we're looking for variation. Don't fill all the tv spots with the same junk. If I really wanted to watch a soap opera I would. Instead what are you offering us? Half a dousan of the same types of shows. FBI Shows? atleast 4 I can think of at the top of my head, and all of them are in some way bringing science/math into the foreground.

Whatever happened to originality?

We have the choice nowerdays between the same types of shows and reality tv. Which I wont get into. That would need an entire rant in itself.

Bring back good television.


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