Wednesday, February 26, 2003

life, love, and time

If time would be counted in how many times you enjoy your life, life would be very short. Learning to laugh and smile and breathe in the air around you is a true miracle of this world. Noticing how the leaves on a tree sway with the gentle humming of the breeze. How a lake in all its purity and wonder calls out and dances with the falling rays of the sun. How the fallen particles of dirt run down the worn paths that cover the outskirts of lake.

It you stand long enough in such a silent spot and really listen to the voices of nature you'll find their humming to be mesmerizing and hypnotic. Like you can't get enough, like you're drowning in it's dying sorrow. Softly and tender it tells of times past and long gone by, times of joy and times of affliction, times when minutes stood still as the heart found its way.

In those soft soporific seconds when the clouds vanish from your thoughts and for once in your life you see your path ahead, in those times of complete illumination is when you see your destiny. The destiny that has been prewriten in the sand of times, that calls you by name and knows all about you down to the smallest and darkest secret. To that call in which we answer we shall no longer question or doubt, we shall not be weary or canny. We shall embrace it and hold to our soul that which is real and can be understood, that which says no lies and tells only truth.
That is what we call our soulmate.

The other part of our immortal being that wanders the earth like you, lost and alone, scared and unsure. Looking at every corner for the slightest chance of discovery of self and truth.

To have such a dialogue is to receive the greatest gift possibly given to man. A moment of true and perfect happiness, a moment when there is an internal peace inside of you. Tranquil as the leaves that sway on the tree with the wind, like the lake calls out and dances with the falling rays of the sun, like the fallen particles of dirt than run down worn paths, like that the soul will sing. In unity and perfect harmony, stretching to meet its mate, its lost comrade, its other half.
That moment is called love. Love that sings one verse and rhymes one tune.

There are times in the lapse of time when souls are separated and lost, lost in the warps of time and space, lost by hundreds of human years. In such times the entities must seek alternative measures, measures that guide a fallen soul to its rightful partner.

excerpt from All that Heaven Allows by Isabelle

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