Sunday, April 24, 2005


It's 11:04 PM and I really need to go to bed. I have class at 10 and I know that if I don't go now I'll be late tomorrow morning. That, however, is probably exactly the reason that my body wont respond. It doesn't like to follow my mind's orders, because it wont settle down, and what seemed like an easy night will now turn into an insomniatic attempt to rest as I'll be staring at my celing for hours wondering where I went wrong and what I forgot. I feel like jumping out of my skin. My arms and back are tingling with anticipation of something; I don't know what, and my mind is racing. I've got all my synapses firing and no puzzle or work in which to throw it into.
11:08 This isn't getting any better. I've just looked at the clock, which means that from now on i'll be counting time. I'll be glancing over at the clock every now and then just to see how much time has elapsed. It's funny, upto that very moment where you happen to glance at the clock it seems like you have no need for the measure of time, but now that I have it seems inevitable to look again. I'm getting evenmore adgetated, and I'm not completely sure why.
11:10 It seems like I'm going in 2 minute intervals. If it weren't so dark outside I'd go for a run, but as i've already said goodnight to my brother and his girlfriend twice, I don't think i'll go down there again.
11:11 Then again, maybe not two minute intervals. Now I'm starting to itch. It's like something's crawling up me and I have to scratch in order to get it off, it's really annoying. If I hadn't broken the iron today I could continue the ironing right now, but then again, I'd have finished the ironing this afternoon and there wouldn't be anything for me to do.
11:13 Typing seems to be helping my frustration. I'm starting to type slower and the itch is starting to vanish. I still have a tingling in my back, but my arms have started relaxing more, with any luck I'll be in bed in a couple minutes. I've just started realising how cold it is in this room. Maybe I should take a bath and warm myself up. That sounds like a good idea. That might relax me too... Time to try something different, because this typing doesn't seem to be helping any.

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