Monday, December 19, 2005

a long time gone

Yeah... the dixie chicks are in my head... don't ask... I don't get it either. It's been a while and I have so much to write and say... First of all what I've been up to since this summer... Well, as a lot of you know I went to the Backstreet Boys concert... Once again... don't ask... I initially went along on a spur of the moment 'I'll keep everyone company' and landed up really enjoying myself. It actually surprised me how many songs I knew, considering that I'm not that big a fan. I have two of their albums I think.
What else... I guess I'll skip over to december, considering that everything that happened in between is pretty much school related. Change of classes etc. My mother came to visit at the end of November, and then by the begining of December both my dad and Lindsey (Jan's girlfriend) were staying with us... us being Jan and I. Kinda weird. On the 5th we celebrated Sinterklaas... Which was fantastic and fun. Dad really got into his gifts afterwards, especially the DVD of 'Dad's Army' I got him. I think I can still hear him laughing in my head... lol.
Last weekend, when I was supposed to be studing, I instead went to dinner with a really close friend of mine: Ajan. His girlfriend was unavailible for the night and he had a christmas party. I had a very good time. It was definately a notible point. Met new people and enjoyed the city I love so much. (we had dinner on one of the tourboats at night). Yesterday afternoon I went to the Nutcracker with a couple friends. It was phanominal. Plus the lead dancer was really hot.... probably gay... but I can dream. ;p
And right now I'm at the university again, looking out on a view that, if they could clean up a couple buildings here would be spectacular. I've just finished taking my Phonetics exam.. yuck! And I'm going to go to my shakespeare exam any moment now. I'm just waiting for the previous exam in the room to leave. Then I'll be heading home to study for tomorrow. I can't wait.... erg.
Up coming... Christmas in Malaysia, I leave on friday for two weeks. My Uncle's getting married on the 26th.... Not that I'm not happy for him, but I have no interest in singing actually... and no interest in being in Malaysia for Christmas. I must say that I am curious as to what's been going on there in the time I've been away and how my cousins have changed, especially the younger ones. New years plans are still iffy, but then I'll be home to commence with my NORMAL life... if you can call it normal.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Alecia and Linda on the Ferry back to the mainland Posted by Picasa

Alecia in the maze Posted by Picasa

Me, Linda, and Alecia, at Centre Island Posted by Picasa

Linda and Me in front of a maze donated by the dutch Posted by Picasa

where we went to get the "tram" tour Posted by Picasa

Centre Island Posted by Picasa

These too! Posted by Picasa

I want this dress! Posted by Picasa

Linda watching the baseball game Posted by Picasa

Me and Meg at the Skydome Posted by Picasa

Lin and me... by this point both of us had wet feet! Posted by Picasa

Me at Niagra Falls Posted by Picasa

Even more niagra falls Posted by Picasa

Isn't this pretty? Posted by Picasa

From a closer look Posted by Picasa

More Niagra Falls Posted by Picasa

Niagra Falls Posted by Picasa

These look soo comfortable... they're buddist prayer slippers Posted by Picasa

Linda with Madonna's shoe Posted by Picasa

Me with Fred Astaire's shoe Posted by Picasa

Linda with Piece Brosnan's shoe Posted by Picasa

Phil Collins' shoe Posted by Picasa

Sasha with Madonna's shoe Posted by Picasa

Sasha at the Bata Shoe Museum Posted by Picasa

Sasha, Jay, Me and Linda at the Skydome Posted by Picasa